Five Ways to Travel Stress Free


Travelling can be hard, so here are five tips to get you on your way, they may seem obvious but nevertheless they are essential.

1. Pack lightly- you’re more than likely to be going away for less than two weeks, there’s no need to take everything and the kitchen sink. Take lightweight clothing, cut back on the shoes and anything that isn’t essential. If you pack lightly enough you might be able to get away with hand luggage and not have to pay extra for baggage.


2. Keep your passport safe: its logic. Your passport is the only thing that gets you from A to B and not only that but with everything happening in the world a lost passport can cause a lot of problems. Make sure you know where it is at all times, wear a money belt, it goes under a t-shirt, so a fashion crisis can be avoided.

Money Belt

3. Don’t drink the tap water! This is essential, water in England is ridiculously clean. You don’t want to spend your holiday throwing up. Keep to the bottled water, make sure it’s sealed properly and drink plenty to avoid becoming dehydrated.

Water Bottle 2

4. Be thrifty: if you have a student card or can show you are under 25 then you may be entitled to some discounts. Running out of money halfway through the trip would be disastrous- trying to get hold of your parents and get them to send you money isn’t how you want to spend your holiday.

Free Food

5. Wear sunscreen. The lobster look is not fashionable. It might not even seem hot but you don’t realise how much cloud cover England has. Even when you go away to cold places, especially if you’re going skiing, you might not realise that you can in fact get burned. Red, peeling skin and pain is not ideal, there’s no chance you’ll pull off the tomato look!

Sun cream

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